Upgrade from 24.5.3 to 24.7.0 via NuGet


I have the problem that I am trying to update Doconut from version 24.5.3 to 24.7.0. Unfortunately, documents are no longer displayed. (Had the same problem with 24.6.0)
After the update the line "add name=“DocImage” verb=“GET,POST” path=“DocImage.axd” type=“Doconut.DocImageHandler, Doconut” has disappeared from the Web.config, but after adding it still does not work.
When debugging, I noticed that the token seems to be empty every time.
var token = viewer.OpenDocument(sampleFilePath + sampleFileName, config);
Both the document and the config are loaded correctly.

We are using .NET Framework.

Thank you very much for your support.

Yours sincerely,


To assist you better and provide a more accurate solution, please send us a minimal project compressed in a ZIP file. This project should include both your code and configuration. Please ensure that the project does not contain any Doconut licenses or confidential information.

Additionally, you might want to check the demos included in the ZIP files provided with the Doconut package. These demos can often help identify configuration issues and provide working examples that you can compare against your setup.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to resolving this issue promptly.

Hi @gabriel.vega,

unfortunately I can’t create a minimal project at the moment.

I think it is not a problem with the configuration as everything works with the versions below I also noticed that only the pdf files cannot be displayed. Can you verify that PDF files can be displayed on the latest version?

This is how the PdfConfig looks like:
config =new PdfConfig { DefaultRender = true, ExtractHyperlinks = true };

Kind regards,


I attached a small sample using Doconut version 24.7.0 loading a PDF file.

mczernia Minimal NET 4.7 Doconut 24.7.zip (646.3 KB)

Please compare the web.config file in your project with the example provided. Ensure that all parameters and configurations match. Any discrepancies in the web.config file could be the cause of the issue.

Also, perform a “Clean” and then a “Rebuild” of all projects in your solution. This can help resolve any issues related to temporary files or cache that might interfere with your application’s build and deployment.

If the issue persists after following these steps, please let us know.

Hi @gabriel.vega,
thank you very much. It seems that 2 dependentAssembly were missing. Now the viewer works without any problems.



I’m glad to hear that the issue has been resolved and that the viewer is now working properly.

If you encounter any other problems or have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.

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