Text Highlighting

Hello, During document preview. I would like to highlight some text (either a word or a group of word). Is this something that can be done in the current version of a feature that can be enabled?



Highlighting to copy text is not allowed. But if you purchase a license with the search plugin, then you can use the function CopyText. If you want to test that up, you can request a trial license with Search enabled.

It does not work as highlighting, but it gives you a rectangle where you select the text you would like to have:

Then you get the text, and you can do whatever you want with it:

Not all formats have the function CopyText, and it is an option you can enable or disable. The easiest way to check if the format you want has it is to check the class Config and see if there is an AllowCopy property.

I hope this answer your question.

Thank you @carlos.molina,

Just to clarify, for example I have to highlight the work Bitbucket in a document. Docunut will render is as seen below
image.png (11.6 KB)

Please note that I don’t intend on Copying the content, I just want to have some emphasis on that specific word by highlighting


I understand now what you need to do, but sadly Doconut is more of a viewer than an editor of document, for now. So that functionality of highlighting some specific text does not exists at the moment.

Alright thank you @carlos.molina, let me figure something out.