Scrolling problem in an iframe

I use your product inside an iframe.
The viewer displayed successfully.
When I click previous/next button - the iframe scrolling to the previous/next page, but also cause scrolling of the whole outer page, and all buttons toolbar scrolled up, out of view. If the user wants to click again, he needs to scroll page up and then see the button again.
I cannot check it with your demo because it refused to connect inside an iframe.
What should be the solution?
Waiting for quick answer,


This issue is caused by a scroll event within the iframe that is propagated to the parent page.

The development team is working on a potential workaround to address it effectively. If you have any further questions or encounter any other issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Any update about it?



I apologize, but as of today, I haven’t received any updates from the development team regarding a fix for this issue.

I will personally make a note of your user, and if there is news about it in the next release, I will message you on the forum.