Problems upgrading from to 24.6.0


I tried to update to the latest version of Doconut and after updating and adjusting the changes in the new version I can’t view any more documents, the only one that worked was XLSX. Could you help me, the error presented is

ErrorDWG.png (33.2 KB)

ErrorPDF.png (33.3 KB)

my viewer

var viewer = new Viewer
ID = “ctlDoc”,
ShowThumbs = true,
DebugMode = true,
AutoScrollThumbs = true,
ZoomStep = 25,
MaxZoom = 200,
Zoom = 50,
IncludeJQuery = true,
IncludeJQueryUI = true,
ImgFormat = ImageFormat.Png,
ImageResolution = _useHighResolutionOnMarkup ? 600 : 200,
AutoFocusPage = false,
BasePath = BasePathView,
LargeDoc = true,
// You will need to change the base path if the MVC project is inside a folder;
// eg. BasePath = “TestViewer”; if the Url is such: http://localhost:xxx/TestViewer/
FitType = “”,
TimeOut = 60, // After how many minutes of idleness, does the document free up memory
BorderWidth = 0,
ShowHyperlinks = true,
WatermarkInfo = “sampleNAme~Red~14~Arial~100~-45”

config = new CadConfig { DefaultRender = defaultRender, Check3DSolid = false, ShowColor = linhaColorida, WhiteBackground = !fundoPreto, ShowLayouts = !model, ShowModel = model, LineWidth = 0, PdfMargins = 0f, PdfPaperSize = PaperKind.Ledger };

config = new Doconut.Configs.View.PdfConfig { ExtractHyperlinks = true, AllowSearch = true, AllowCopy = true, DefaultRender = true };


To better assist you with the issue you are facing after updating to version 24.6.0, could you please provide the following information:

Which version of .NET you are using? (.NET Framework, .NET Standard/Core, or .NET 6)

Additionally, it would be very helpful if you could provide a simple example project that includes not only the complete configurations for each viewer but also files such as web.config, Startup.cs, or any other relevant configuration files.

Once we have this information, I will be able to provide you with the appropriate assistance.