
Could you NOT include the AjaxControllToolkit with your nuget package? It’s a very old version and when it installs, it replaces the current version. The only way we can upgrade your software is by manually copying the DLLs into the project and remove/add the references.


Thank you for your message and for pointing out your concern regarding AjaxControlToolkit.dll file.

In response to your feedback and to improve our users’ experience, our development team has decided not to include the AjaxControlToolkit in our NuGet package starting with version 24.6.0 of Doconut. This means that going forward it will no longer automatically install or replace current versions of the toolkit in your project. If you need to use AjaxControlToolkit, you can install it manually based on your specific needs.

We are thankful for your patience and understanding. If you have any other questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Excellent! Looking forward to it!


We have removed AjaxControlToolkit from our NuGet package. If you need to add it to one of your projects you must install the AjaxControlToolkit version 4.1.50508 manually through the NuGet package Manager