Internal Server Error - Index was out of range

I use the mvc project. All files working successfully with the viewer,
But there is one file that the viewer returns 500 error code for it .
The InternalError property contains this: "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection."
I tried it also in your demo ( but the same error occures.
image.png (4.7 KB)

Can you please check the attached file, and fix the product so it will be displayed successfully? (31.5 KB)



Thank you for attaching the sample file. There were some issues in the previous version for document files that were resolved. Could you try with the new Doconut version?

I just updated MVC Doconut Demo with this version, and the file was read successfully.

Now it’s working.



If you encounter any further issues or have questions about the update, feel free to ask.