I keep seeing "Missing document instance" error

Hi Support,

We tried all possible settings with caching at the application level and at the doconut component level but keep seeing a “Missing document instance” error.

I created a new project with just the doconut component to load the file we pass in the query string but it failed as well. This code doesn’t have database integration. It just the single page that load a file in the doconut viewer.

Source code is uploaded here DoCoNutTest2.zip - Google Drive

Please replace the license key in lic.LoadXml(“License string goes here”) line in startup.cs file before you can run it.

I have placed two PDFs inside “Files” directory in source code for testing which I used as shown in the querystring below. Please adjust the file path in querystring as you see fit.


FYI; I saw the missing document instance error on https://mvc.docunet.com/ as well so I am sure there is something in the component that might require a fix.

Looking forward to the earliest solution as this is impacting thousands of users of our project.



Thanks for sending us this example. The development team checked it and after reviewing it, they discovered an inconsistency in the Doconut code between the .NET Framework and .NET Core versions.

A new version is coming out to solve this issue. But for now, this error can be fixed by adding the following line after calling the InitCache() method to set TimeOut property with the desired minutes (by default it is 60 minutes).

var timeTaken = GlobalDocViewer.gblDocViewer.InitCache();
GlobalDocViewer.gblDocViewer.TimeOut = 30; // add your custom minutes cache value here

Note: Adding this line after the call to the InitCache method is crucial. If the TimeOut is set before, this fix will not work.

Please let me know if this error is resolved successfully or if you have any further questions related to the Doconut viewer.

Hi @gabriel.vega

Thanks for coming back to us so quickly.

Adding timeout seems to have helped. However, I want to point out that the default timeout seems to be 60 seconds and not 60 minutes because after 60 seconds we used to start seeing the error without specifying the timeout.


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Thank you for your observation! We are aware of the issue, and I want to assure you that our development team is actively working on a solution. We appreciate your patience, and we will keep you informed of any progress in this same post.