ExportToPdfWatermarkreturn document without watermark

                byte[] docData = docViewer.ExportToPdfWatermark("Watermark Text", 24, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 45, 50, true);


                return new FileContentResult(docData, "application/pdf");

It works fine when I changed the opacity to 50 and isbackground to false

                byte[] docData = docViewer.ExportToPdfWatermark("Watermark Text", 24, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 45, 50, false);


                return new FileContentResult(docData, "application/pdf");


This is the solution you came up with, I am posting it here for future reference.

byte[] file = attachment.Data.FileData;
Stream stream = new MemoryStream(file);
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(attachment.Data.FileName);
var viewToken = docViewer.OpenDocument(stream, fi, config, documentOptions);

byte[] docData = docViewer.ExportToPdfWatermark("watermark text", 24, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 45, 50, false);


return new FileContentResult(docData, "application/pdf"); 
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