Doconut in .net web api with React

I am trying to use doconut in react. all is good in the api but in react it was working but suddenly docViewer method is not working.

this is the code sample

  const objImg = useRef(null)

        showThumbs: docViewerConfig.showThumbs,
        pageZoom: docViewerConfig.pageZoom,
        zoomStep: docViewerConfig.zoomStep,
        maxZoom: docViewerConfig.maxZoom,
        BasePath: docViewerConfig.basePath,
        ResPath: docViewerConfig.resPath,
        fixedZoom: docViewerConfig.fixedZoom,
        fixedZoomPercent: docViewerConfig.fixedZoomPercent,
        fixedZoomPercentMobile: docViewerConfig.fixedZoomPercentMobile

      <div ref={objImg} id="div_ctlDoc"></div>

i am getting TypeError: objImg.current.View is not a function

any advices?


I’m sorry, but at the moment, Doconut is not fully compatible with React.