We are getting an error as “A generic error occurred in GDI +” while viewing in Doconut Viewer.
Can you please confirm?
image.jpg (36.7 KB)
Internal verification from our side:
- The verified uploaded file is not corrupted.
- This error occurred only at sometimes, not all the time.
- verified file size is 4 MB and loaded in different tools.
- The last Windows update was in 2018
- RAM size is 8 GB
- IIS service is using 50 to 70% of memory
- Doconut version is
- We are using .NET Framework(Version 4.5)
- Loading file from local network file path.
I will copy and past the answer from your other post here below:
It could have been many things.
One thing that affected one of our machines once was that the hard drive was almost full, so it could not create the files properly.
Also, if you have multiple clients at the same time, the CPU usage will spike and may cause problems.
One server we have has the same amount of RAM, but the internet is very fast. The CPU usage on standby is very low, so I am guessing if the IIS takes that much CPU resources, then the CPU must be slow.
I will check Storage space, and speed and CPU may be an issue with big complex files, especially if you have multiple users at the same time using the viewer.
I hope this gives you an idea of where to look.
On more developer tip, try to save the files that error out, so later on you can try them and see if the document is the issue or the machine.